Antelope Valley Press

No, please, no more of this, just make it stop!

A couple dozen random thoughts, not all about the debacle

- William P. Warford WPWCOLUMN@AOL.COM William P. Warford’s column appears every Friday and Sunday.

It occurs to me that: There are 330 million people in the US and we get these two to choose from as president?

I understand the North Koreans are showing an endless reel of the debate video in the torture chambers of their notorious prisons.

There’s no truth to the rumor, though, that the Department of Children’s Services is investigat­ing parents who made their school-age children watch the debate for “educationa­l” purposes.

This is the worst matchup of presidenti­al candidates since 2016.

I don’t know about you, but I want a president who, on the national stage, looks into the camera and says, “Of course I condemn white supremacis­ts.”

I also want a president who doesn’t wait until the polls turn against the street riots before he says he supports law enforcemen­t — Biden and the Democrats never mentioned law enforcemen­t in their convention.

It seems so little to ask — a president who unequivoca­lly condemns white supremacis­ts and supports the brave men and women of law enforcemen­t — but I guess we’re out of luck for 2020.

In the unlikely event that Trump told the truth Wednesday when saying he didn’t know who the Proud Boys are, he is even more ignorant than we thought.

It is obvious, though, that Antifa is a terrorist organizati­on, and a “Tear it all down!” Marxist-style revolution is under way in this country — Trump’s opposition to which is his one of his few redeeming qualities.

George Will is right: Cancel the remaining debates as a favor to the country.

I generally refrain from outright Trump bashing because there is an abundance of that already and he does oppose the far left agenda, but Tuesday night was just plain insulting.

Thank God they caught the suspect in the ambush shooting of two Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies in Compton.

Turning off the debate microphone­s wouldn’t work; Trump would just walk over and talk into Biden’s mic.

I showed my students clips of the Nixon-Kennedy debates in 1960 to counter the absurdity of the previous night.

Best line from the class: “That’s what a debate looks like? I think I was watching the Comedy Channel last night and missed the debate.”

The students enjoyed seeing bright, articulate, well-prepared, respectful, dignified candidates in the old black and white video of 1960.

Biden’s performanc­e was weak at best, but he looked like Winston Churchill compared to Trump.

Circus workers were complainin­g about people calling the debate a circus.

Dog catchers were complainin­g about people saying they wouldn’t vote for either one of these guys for dog catcher.

Not all news is bad: The Bobcat Fire circumvent­ed St. Andrew’s Abbey — the Benedictin­e Monastery in Valyermo — like Moses parting the Red Sea.

Best biography of the year: “JFK: Coming of Age in the American Century, 1917-1960.”

Of course, JFK wouldn’t recognize the far-left looniness of today’s Democratic Party.

Even some people who like Trump couldn’t stand him Tuesday night.

This used to be the season of festivals — Valyermo Fall Festival at the end of September and Palmdale Fall Festival in October.

Cameron Hilditch of National Review said Joe Biden is not Hillary Clinton, and that will be enough to get him elected.

The national attention span has dwindled so much — in the 1960 debates the candidates gave eight-minute opening statements.

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