Antelope Valley Press

Religion and politics


According to the pew research center. When it comes to politics, in America. My fellow Catholics are split down the middle.

For example: in the election of 2016 52% voted for trump, while 44% voted for Hillary.

Some historians have reported, that in the final days of world war two, Winston Churchill told Stalin: the Pope was associated with decisions made at the Tehran conference. Stalin, dismissing the Popes moral strength, replied: The Pope? How many divisions does he have? Which, believe it or not, brings me to, Supreme court nominee, Amy Coney Barret.

During her first appearance before the judicial committee. Senator Feinstein, like Stalin, mocked her Catholicis­m and said; “the dogma lives within you.” Hmm. So, why is it, all the other creatures of swampy DC, are Okay, with the Catholic, Biden?

Well. Near as I can tell, the rosary toting, joe is “Dogma” free. Translatio­n: Joe is no threat to Roe v. Wade. Of course, I realize, people who place secularism above spiritualt­y, like joe. China likes joe too. Sometimes I get the feeling joe traded his rosary for confucius? But lets get back on course. In regards to Amy’s court appointmen­t. I did some homework, and found the following: Judge Patrick J. Schilitz, of the Minnesota district court, a fellow catholic, said: “The question of what we believe as a religious matter, has nothing to do with written documents.”

In short, when it comes to Roe v. Wade. Judge Amy will follow “stare Decisis,” or decided cases, if you prefer. Why. That’s enough to make Bernie shout; Hallelujah! Just think. If Amy said that at the first inquisitio­n.

She could have been trolling for gators by now. Robert MC Gregor Palmdale

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