Antelope Valley Press

Pence vs. Harris


After a ruckus Presidenti­al debate. I thought Pence did alright. Then, I read “Pence shows he can be obnoxious too,” by one of my favorite columnist, in the AVP. Holy cow, I said. This calls for some research.

So, lets get started: According to Lara Bazelon, a law professor, who directs racial justice clinics at the University of San Francisco. The credential­s of Senator Kamala” I’m talk “in here” Harris, as a social justice warrior, are a mirage.

For example: In 2015, a democratic party black caucus, ask her to support a bill that would; call for police body cameras, and investigat­e police involved-shootings. She declined. Now, lets check out, Mr. obnoxious, Mike Pence. According to Steven Nelson, of the New York Post. During the debate, Pence tried to point out the following: When Harris was the DA in San Francisco, African- Americans were 19 times more likely to be incarcerat­ed for minor drug offences than Whites or Hispanics.

As Attorney general, she increased the incarcerat­ion rate of black men in California. As a Senator, she didn’t lift a finger to help the fist step act. In the wake of George Floyd’s death; when Senator Tim Scott, wanted to pass a police reform bill that would: Make lynching a federal crime, create a commission to study the conditions of black men, fund black police recruitmen­t, wear body camera’s, restrict the choke-hold; keep data on police involved shootings and no-knock warrants. Senator Harris fillibuste­red against the bill.

Well. I guess that’s a wrap. Oh. One more thing. Which is more obnoxious? Pence, or a phony social justice warrior?

Robert MC Gregor


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