Antelope Valley Press

Stop the ‘tyranny’


There are 17 million government employees in the US (including our highpaid Public Servants) who are still collecting paychecks while 20 million are on unemployme­nt. “Let them eat cake”?

There were 13 million people working in the restaurant industry.

Many are already struggling to get by on unemployme­nt, the new shutdown on outdoor dining will add a lot more. Small businesses and large companies have gone bankrupt.

Shutdowns and mandates are being based on the number of “positive covid tests” being reported, which are highly questionab­le.

Many are from antibody and antigen tests even though the CDC says only viral tests can actually detect covid.

How many “cases” are based on antibody or antigen tests? There doesn’t seem to be any data out there … hmm.

The FDA has just approved a home rapid antigen test, so you can bet your boots that “cases” will soar even higher.

I believe that hospitals and doctors get money from the government for each “positive test” they report.

I believe they get money from the companies who make the tests that they use and that they will get money from those who make vaccines that they use.

The medical industry is a business, reporting as many

“positive cases” as they can benefits the business.

We taxpayers have been paying for all covid-related government assistance.

We’ll also be paying higher taxes later to “refill the bucket” a double-dip.

Plenty of medical experts completely disagree with what our shutdowns are based on, but our public servants are only listening to the ones who will say what benefits them.

It’s time to let them know that they’re not fooling us and we want this tyranny to stop!

Judy Kiesel Lancaster

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