Antelope Valley Press

The American way


To the voters of the 23rd district: Our Congressma­n Kevin McCarthy has joined a lawsuit from Texas seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Many of us were not happy with the outcome of this election, but in order to overturn the results there has to be evidence of foul play. Thus far, what we have seen on Fox News, and Facebook, and conservati­ve radio, and countless internet “experts”… has been hog wash. Conspiracy theories that are easily debunked with the slightest research.

If Rep. McCarthy has evidence of massive fraud — enough to overturn the results of the 2020 election — then he needs to share that evidence with us, and it should be credible enough to survive scrutiny. Thus far, when under oath, the evidence provided in over 50 cases around the country has been thrown out of court by conservati­ve and liberal judges alike.

This is America. We believe in Democracy, even when the majority of American’s pick the “wrong” person. Is Kevin McCarthy joining this lawsuit because he believes in the “story of the stolen election” or is he joining the lawsuit because his guy didn’t win?

Voters of the 23rd: we deserve an answer. If Rep. McCarthy believes what he is saying, we should demand he share his evidence with us, and it needs to be credible. If he does not believe what he is saying, we should demand he support the will of the people — that’s the

American way

Todd Quelet Palmdale

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