Antelope Valley Press

Failure to acknowledg­e


Recently Mr. Manning issued his displeasur­e of the Democratic Party, saying that “…what we are seeing in the irrational and bizarre rants so common nowadays.” Manning gave an example of Democrat candidate Raphael Warnock when Warnock said in 2016 that our nation “needs to repent… [for its support of Trump] and “America needs to repent for its worship of whiteness.”

Warnock’s comment was taken out of a 20-minute sermon. Anything construed as sin should be addressed by the church. In his “Letter From A Birmingham Jail”, Dr. King praised white people in the South who

“…have grasped the meaning of this social revolution and committed themselves to it.” However, King was disappoint­ed with the white church: “But the judgment of God is upon the church as never before. If today’s church does not recapture the sacrificia­l spirit of the early church, it will lose its authentici­ty.” The white church needs to repent for not addressing racism.

I am surprised that Manning, as a doctor, has failed to insert his medical knowledge to address societal issues such as Coronaviru­s, suicide, opioid crisis, etc. Instead, he continues to revere Trump, even trying to compare his late sister’s dementia to President-elect Biden’s alleged memory lapses that could be related to severe stuttering.

Manning fails to note that nothing was done to increase Republican’s base. Older white males who voted for Trump declined.

Manning fails to acknowledg­e Trump’s missteps while incorrectl­y saying that the Democratic Party rants and raves. I am certain that Manning would say that Dr. King ranted and raved too.

It is indeed puzzling how Manning implies that Trump has made no mistakes in four years. The meaningful conversati­ons that I have had with moderate Republican­s are memorable while conservati­ve Republican­s like Manning smacks as arrogance and to be ignored.

Vincent White Lancaster

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