Antelope Valley Press



Open to interpreta­tion

I n the wake of the capitol hill riots, several story lines have emerged.

Speaker Pelosi topped the charts with impeachmen­t 2.0. But has the final chapter on trump been written? Ironically, Maureen Dowd, who admitted to being a member of a “Trump loving Family provides the first clues of a post Trump presidency.

So like him or not. Let’s check it out. After years of Trump bashing, in her AVP, column, Dowd, encouraged her readers to look past Trumps flaws and see his achievemen­ts. Yes, achievemen­ts. For example: Despite being labeled a racist he funded black colleges and created opportunit­y zones. He fortified the borders, and upheld the integrity of the judicial system.

In foreign matters he brokered peace in the middle-east; renegotiat­ed N.A.F.T.A., abandoned the disastrous Iranian deal, and confronted China.

After listing achievemen­ts, Dowd trained her rhetorical gun on the hypocrisy of the democrats calling for unity after “encouragin­g confrontat­ion.” And wrapped things up with this gem: “the supreme irony of 2020, was that by receiving more Black and Hispanic voters, he turned the republican party into the party of the working class.” Of course, you don’t have to agree with Maureen. After all, the riot on capitol hill, reverted her to Trump bashing. But if you read between the lines, her first story was about reconcilia­tion.

Like Dowd’s “trump loving family,” the health of our communitie­s depends on looking past each other’s flaws to achieve the same goals. Can we do it? You bet. Uncle Sam’s been fueled by chaos since 1776. Why stop now?

Robert MC Gregor


Must have been napping

M y response to these quotes from letters published: “I think Trump maintained more discretion than most in considerat­ion of the obvious rigged election ... just an unofficial clue but over 70 million gun owners in this country who for the most part would never vote for Biden, so where did his votes come from? Now factor in millions of pro Trump law enforcemen­t, fire department and military voters, way short of a winning record vote.”

I guess the discretion he is referring to, is the speech he gave to the 1000 of Trumpsters in front of the White House on 01/06/21, that resulted in a mob rushing the Capital. Talk about something to be proud of.

“I also believe the election was rampant with irregulari­ties and outright fraud. Even a blind person could see this. Only those who don’t want to see the truth could deny the overwhelmi­ng evidence.”

I guess all of the judges who heard arguments regarding voter fraud, including the justices on the Supreme Court must be blind because they told Cry Baby Donnie to pack his bags and go away until there was solid evidence and not just hear say.

“Those on the left, commie, socialcrat­s, are quick to blame Trump for everything. Is he to blame? For the summer? No. For D.C.? I do not know and until the facts are uncovered, you don’t know, either. Pound on him, it’s what liberals do. Hate him, it’s what liberals do. If Trump caused this, then hammer him, I’ll help you. But if the crap was started by other than Trump folk, acknowledg­e it — help to see they are caught.”

Apparently the writer must have been taking a nap and did not hear the wanna-be dictator rile up his followers on their way to the Capital.

George Jung Antelope Acres

Large-scale site needed

L A County Health officials announced today 5 large scale vaccinatio­n sites namely: Pomona Fairplex, The Forum in Inglewood, Cal State Northridge, LA County Office of Education in Downey and Magic Mountain in Valencia.

We appeal to Supervisor Kathryn Barger and LA County Health officials to consider opening a large scale vaccinatio­n site in Antelope Valley. Antelope Valley seniors, who belong to a high risk group, will have a difficult time accessing the above mentioned sites for their much needed 2 doses of Covid-19 vaccine. Residents of Antelope Valley deserve equal access to preventive health measures as the rest of LA County.

Ed Barcelona M.D. Palmdale

They wanted change

I ’m so tired of hearing that this election was stolen. What actually happened was the American people took back the nation from the most corrupt president we have ever had.

The American people were tired of his lies every day, his divisivene­ss of the nation and of families. Where was the evidence of voter fraud? His attorneys took their case before 60 judges from both sides of the aisles and presented no evidence, None!

One state actually hand recounted the votes three times and found no difference between their count and the machine count – three times!

Georgia went democrat twice. If you didn’t believe us the first time they did it again on the senate race in January. Do I believe the voting was perfect, no. I’m not naïve. But, was there enough voter irregulari­ties to change the outcome — no.

Not to mention the fact that because of his lack of leadership almost 400,000 American citizens have died. People were just tired of his ineptness.

Janice Johnson Palmdale

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