Antelope Valley Press

He who does no wrong


On 6 Jan 2021, citizens of the United States “…stormed the U.S. Capitol… in an attempt to stop members of Congress from counting Electoral College votes…” “Vintage White Rage: Why The Riots Were About The Perceived Loss Of White Power…” NBC News, 7 Jan 2021.

In a letter dated 15 Jan 2021, Guy Marsh wrote that the Trump supporters “…cloak(ed) their bigotries and disdain for democratic processes within spurious assertions of extensive voter fraud. Such behavior serves to conceal their privileged bullies while propping up the illusion of victimhood.”

It was troubling to see the rioters having “…’Jesus 2020’ campaign flags (and seeing) at least one group carr(ying) a large wooden cross.” “Trump’s Christian Supporters And The March On The Capitol,” BBC, 15 Jan 2021.

Christian nationalis­m “… acts a lot like racism ... It feeds on a carefully curated, white-centered version of history.” “Christian Nationalis­m Provides Cover For White Supremacy…”, Baptistnew­, June 2020.

Two of the big three of Gardner, O’Connor and Thacker embrace Christiani­ty, but remained silent about Christiani­ty when rioters used it as justificat­ion to attack the Capitol.

By reading the letters, you would think that Trump is not responsibl­e for anything.

The 29 Jan 2021 letter by Curt Redecker states that “the economy not destroyed by COVID-19 will be destroyed by the Biden administra­tion policies.” The 30 Jan 2021 letter by Mr. Kirkpatric­k states that “the only thing stopping illegal immigratio­n will be our destroyed economy.” Keep in mind that Biden has not even been in office a month.

As an accountant, I examined the tax policies of Biden and Trump. Biden’s plan will bring more revenue to the economy ($2.1 trillion over the next decade) while Trump’s tax plan has created deficits every year he has been in office. Economists were predicting a recession before the coronaviru­s. Vincent White


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