Antelope Valley Press

Not-so-great state of Texas


Over the years there have been numerous letters written by our local extreme far right ultra-rightwing conservati­ves praising the state of Texas.

To listen to them, Texas is the garden spot of the United States and paradise realized.

These people love deregulati­on and free markets. They praise it. To them it is the life blood of being a member of the Grand Old


Last week when Mother Nature turned Texas into a frozen tundra of sorts, came massive electrical power failures because their electrical power grid failed.

Most experts agree this was bound to happen since it had already happened about 10 years ago during another similar cold spell. Deregulati­on is not always a good thing.

Texas politician­s saw electricit­y deregulati­on as a better future in the 1990s. Prior to deregulati­on the utilities had been regulated by the Texas Legislatur­e. In the 1920s Texas lawmakers put on their 10 gallon hats and created a single system for generating and transmitti­ng power. Texans did not want their power grid to be under the oversight of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

To compound the problem, Texas does not winterize their wind turbines and other generating infrastruc­ture from extreme weather conditions. My guess is they might think about it now.

Another issue with the deregulati­on is thousands of Texans are now receiving catastroph­ic electric bills. In Texas you can pick and choose who you buy your electrical power from. You can sign up for wholesale cheap electrical rates. However, the downside is when there is a shortage of electricit­y your bill goes through the roof and you could receive an invoice for thousands of dollars.

As we all know Texans like most Americans do not save enough for a rainy day or should I say in this case a snowy frozen day.

George Jung Antelope Acres

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