Antelope Valley Press

GOP can’t govern


Once again President Joe Biden has the Herculean task of cleaning out the Aegean Stables like he helped do in 2008-2016.

Every single Republican president has had a recession in their first term for the past 100 years. They lead in stock market crashes too in 1929, 1987, 2008 and 2020.

Then, Democrats must come in and clean up and restore the country repeatedly.

From 1945 to the second quarter of 2020, the Gross Domestic Product grew an average of 4.1% under Democrats versus 2.5% under Republican­s according to a report by CNN. Don’t believe it? Check for yourself. It could be 6% in 2021.

Republican­s handling crises. Reagan was MIA for years during the AIDS epidemic. Bush failed with Katrina and Trump cost 100s of thousands of lives due to his ineptness and lies during the onset of the COVID pandemic.

“It’s a hoax.” — Donald J. Trump.

Watergate. Iran-Contra. January 6, 2021. There’s a pattern with them underminin­g our country.

President Clinton successful­ly handled the war in Bosnia while the Bushes fumbled disastrous­ly with Iraq. The blind cleric behind bombing the first North Tower was caught by the Clinton Administra­tion. The Oklahoma City Bomber, Tim McVeigh, was also caught then executed. President Obama caught and disposed of Osama bin Ladin who Bush 43 had given up on.

Republican­s left D.C. in worse shape than they found it in 2009 and in 2021. Republican­s stormed and desecrated the Capital. Then Congressio­nal Republican­s voted to overturn the election despite Rep. Mike Garcia’s (R) pathetic excuse. Republican­s will continue their obstructio­n/destructio­n of anything the Democrats do to promote the public welfare.

Republican­s. They can’t govern. They can’t protect us. If they say they can they are lying. The GOP is bankrupt.

Bill Pappas Palmdale

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