Antelope Valley Press

Dr. Google


During Biden’s preprogram­med media session on March 25, it was notable to me that Biden must have been drugged so that he could get through the event without too many mental and verbal foul ups.

As many of us may suspect, Joe must have been loaded to the gills.

The first clue was the coffee cup sized saucers that his eye sockets looked like.

Big, round and unblinking irrespecti­ve of his iris dimensions compared to a brief stop with news reporters on TV in the next week with his usual squinted eyelids.

The drugs did improve his speech pattern for most of his appearance but he faded some in later appearance­s and reverted to making his signature malaprops and meandering disjointed sentences.

After my Googling the question of what drugs are typically used by dementia patients, it returned three prominentl­y used Rx prescribed drugs, Aricept, Exelon and Razadyne.

These work as chemical messenger boosters to help with memory and judgment skills in his brain.

Biden’s need for mental enhancemen­t drugs may encourage belligeren­t enemies to think that we could be attacked successful­ly while Biden waits 30 minutes for his drug cocktail to kick in so that he may be able to comprehend the event and agree with his military advisers or weigh the partial informatio­n that he has on which to base his response decision.

I hope he doesn’t lay the decision off to his cackling VP Harris who may be laughing so hard she’s choking on her sputum of indecision.

Larry Kissam Palmdale

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