Antelope Valley Press

Fossil fuel


This text below is prompted by the AV Press article, “Newsom get caught by oil setbacks,” published Monday, May 24, 2021.

In this article California Environmen­talists have proven that a 2,500 ft. spacing betwen a dwelling property line an active or inactive oil well site is mandatory. More details are in the article, please read.

There are numerous additional issues that Newsom has with California oil producers. April, 2021;

“Newsom takes action to phase out oil extraction in California” ref.:­in-california/ Newsom has directed the California Dept. of Conservati­on’s Geologic Energy Management (CalGEM), and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to make plans to terminate oil extraction in California by 2045.

In addition, “Newsom orders ban on new fracking by 2024.” ref: https://­t/2021/04/newsomban-new-oil-fracking

“Kern County O.K.’s plan for thousands of new oil and gas wells over environmen­tal objections” ref environmen­t/story/2021

No wonder the Republican’s and oil companies financed have a recall to remove Governor Newsom.

However, the governor is correct with the above plans, these drastic measures are mandatory for beginning to reduce harmful Global Waring. Transition­ing from a fossil fuel to a hydrogen fuel economy is mandatory. Fossil fuel oil businesses must comply, if our grand childern are to survive on our dying planet.

Gordon V. Jefferson


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