Antelope Valley Press

Racism is a sin


On 7 June 2021, Mr. Gardner responded to my letter, writing “… I did not know that by reading a letter one can tell the race of the writer.”

I have been writing to this newspaper for almost 30 years. If a person writes a letter about Black women being on welfare and illegal immigrants should go back to their country, why would my assumption be wrong that the writer is white?

You may argue that Mr. Rios, Mr. Hernandez, or Ms. Avilla are Hispanic and Republican, but that is only three writers.

I speak from experience as well since most of my friends/acquaintan­ces are white. Comments over the years in letters show that many Republican conservati­ve whites do not have Blacks as friends.

I believe that Mr. Gardner and Mr. Thacker, and Ms. Stephens fit this category. I believe that Mr. Gardner worked 40 years as a retired teacher.

If true, he did not establish relationsh­ips with minorities, for if he had, he would not be writing certain comments in this newspaper. My white friends/acquaintan­ces get very bothered when they are called racists. Hearing this, I talk about racism by giving examples instead.

If you do not have a lot of minorities as friends, that can be alleviated by doing research in order to gain an understand­ing. If Gardner is against reparation­s for African-Americans,

I am sure that he would oppose Juneteenth as a federal holiday.

I am constantly dismayed by opinions written by conservati­ves as if it is fact. Mr. Thacker writes that “... your written ‘facts’ are just your opinion.” I do not hide behind my opinion without using facts to justify it.

Racism is a sin and Pastor Idleman should have spoken out.

If Thacker and Ms. Stephens say they are Christians, they should have spoken out as well.

Vincent White


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