Antelope Valley Press

It starts at home


My response to Art Siratos letter dated 6-22-21. I’ve been working with youths for over 42 years both in the schools and in the communitie­s.

I speak of experience in working directly with youths not by reading others works, attending lectures or studying the problem.

It takes 2 a male and female to produce a child and with it a shared responsibi­lity in raising.

In this day and age in producing so many children out of wedlock only produces children without security.

I saw first hand the problems on male kids and the negative effects of single parenting created on the family while growing up in south central L.A. during the 1960s. No where is this seen more then in the Black community.

Ask any parent what are the odds of raising a child in our so called modern society, from the time a child leaves the threshold of the home that child is challenged on his or her morals and good upbringing installed by loving caring parents.

Step adoptive parents are modeled by natural parents in giving what they are denied if only temporary, court award foster parenting is only a go between before that child can be safely placed back in the home or until that child reaches the age of 18.

Sadly our system has failed tragically by a work overloaded system created by the failing of men who did not take their man up responsibi­lities, males as parents will always fall back on their upbringing good or bad, it all does start in the home.

Miguel Rios Palmdale

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