Antelope Valley Press

Bankrupt country


In the face of recent events across the country, I have some thoughts that may be relevant.

First, in the current action, or inaction, by the elected office holder of the Presidency. This person needs to be charged with war crimes, which they have committed. My being an 8 year veteran,

I see his leaving any citizen of this country in a war torn arena, under any circumstan­ces, is a non defendable, horrific crime on the entire citizenry of this country.

While we are being invaded on our southern border, the second in command’s assigned job, this person has gone to a South American country to determine the root cause? The with out any positive action, went off to visit Iraq. What is the reality as to how Iraq caused such an invasion of our southern border. This is certainly a crime of derelictio­n of duty as assigned by the President.

These charges should be brought before the world court in the Hague. The punishment to be meted out would be removal from office, being unfit to hold any public office again.

In the crimes of other office holders, the leader of the U.S. Senate and the second in command, should be brought up on charges of derelictio­n of duty. They are supposed to represent all the citizens. Yet they are only doing the bidding of a single political party, using rulings based on the COVID-19 scare, to dictate these atrocious laws being proposed.

We do not have the monies to pay for these bills, and therefor they are criminal in nature to propose trillions in debt on the future unborn citizens of this country. The removal from office of these two is imminent, as they have blatantly committed the crime of attempting to bring our country down into bankruptcy.

Robert W. Teller


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