Antelope Valley Press

Children and oil


Much to talk about and so little space to write it. Ketmanji Jackson. “I can’t define woman, I’m not a biologist” Dumbest answer ever. How will she ever rule on Womens Athlete cases? Very lenient punishment­s for child rapists as this crime soars. Don’t dare question her or your racists.

The left wants instructio­ns on sexual orientatio­n and gender identity taught in kindergart­en through third grade. Why are they sexually exploiting our young children? What is their devious reason? Disney’s a complete disappoint­ment, the land of purity and wholesomen­ess, for young children, it’s been taken over by the 2% ‘woke people’, again exploiting children.

15-18,000 illegals ‘invading’ our country daily, mostly men 18-35, the majority evade border patrol. Gang members, criminals, Terrorists? Thats up 1000%. along with crime. We must close the border Biden says in his State of the Union speech, nothing happened, it’s worse.

Gas and food prices skyrocket, as we still buy Russian oil, supporting Putin’s war. Joe begged for oil from dictator countries, no luck, now using our strategic supply to lower the cost. Hope we don’t need that for an emergency as in war. Biden should check with Alaska, Oklahoma, Kansas, and both Dakotas, I hear they have a 200 yr. supply.

Kamala sounds like she’s speaking to1st graders with her ‘word salad’. that says nothing. This woman is unprepared and in over her head. Who’s in charge of our country? It’s Trump, Putin and COVID’s, fault, right? Of course, because the Liberals told the media to say so, and they always tell the truth, right?

Judy Watson


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