Antelope Valley Press

Keeping pets safe on hot pavement

- Hints from Heloise — Heloise

Dear Heloise: With warmer weather comes hot sidewalks and streets. This means it’s better to walk your dogs and other pets later in the day around 8 or 9 p.m. The heat of the pavement and blacktop roads will have started to cool off by then and shouldn’t harm your pet’s paws. You also can walk a pet early in the morning when it’s still not so hot that it’ll burn their paws.

If you are walking a pet later in the day, wear reflective gear so cars avoid you and your pet. Dogs and cats should have reflective collars on.

If you don’t happen to have anything reflective, wear something white that can easily be picked up in a car’s headlights.

— Rose Ann D., Houston, Texas

A tidy home

Dear Heloise: I have 10 children and a seven-bedroom house to keep clean. That means everyone gets trained early in life. The messiest parts of many homes are usually the bathrooms, and we have three and a half baths to keep clean. Here are the rules in our house to keep the bathrooms organized, and all 10 kids follow them:

1. Leave nothing on the floor. Everyone must hang up their towels and clothes

2. If you used it, you put the cap back on, wipe down the countertop and put things back where you got them.

3. To make things easier, everyone is assigned a bathroom he or she is responsibl­e for keeping nice and clean. There are three “teams,” and the winning team on Saturday morning gets to pick out a movie we watch, the flavor of ice cream we buy or something else as a reward.

— Nadine J., New Castle, Pa. Nadine, you’ve worked out a terrific system to teach your children responsibi­lity, teamwork and how to maintain a home. Well done.

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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