Antelope Valley Press

All knowing and almighty


How the first life form came into being we don’t know.

Charles Darwin authored “On the Origin of Species.” This book gave a certain scientific character to the concept of evolution and a non-theistic explanatio­n for the origin of life.

Over a long, long time, changes come from a combinatio­n of different mixes of DNA as different individual­s breed, and random changes occur leading to changes in a species, combined with the survival pressures of the environmen­t.

Changes however, will only result in gradual shifts within a species. There are no jumps from species to species.

Evolution explains diversity within a species, but does not explain the origin of life.

A life force exists within our universe, and we should give thought to the possibilit­y of a creator providing the first form of life.

A life force exists in the universe, with an abundance of the seeds of life, and the master of the universe is at work seeding meteorites with organic molecules, and the stuff of life appears to be everywhere.

For example: On September 28, 1969, a meteor and fireball crashed to the ground near the town of Murchison in Victoria, Australia. Scientists announced in 1970 that the meteorite contained some common amino acids, important organic molecules in the chemistry of life. Later studies found that the meteorite contained more than seventy kinds of simple amino acids, plus many other simple and complex pre-biotic organic molecules.

I would respectful­ly suggest that life forces in the universe, in meteors and comets, are powered by a creator with infinite powers of an all-powerful and all-knowing almighty God.

Ray Freeman Palmdale

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