Antelope Valley Press

Get a second opinion when you need auto repairs

- — Heloise Hints from Heloise

Today’s Sound Off is about auto repairs: Dear Heloise: I took my car in for some repair work when I heard a knocking sound. The first garage told me I needed an oil change, new air filter and several more items for a total of $1,200. I was floored. I took the car to a second garage, and they said my oil was fine and that my air filter was only five months old and did not need changing. The knocking sound was repaired for less than $70.

I’m furious that someone tried to charge me for work I did not need to have done. My car is only three years old and was bought new, so I thought $1,200 was rather high for repairs.

Why do so many businesses try to take advantage of women? Clearly I’m not a mechanic and neither are any of the women I know, so I guess some places think we’re easy pickings. Needless to say, the 80/20 rule applies here. If you like something, you will probably tell 20% of the people you know. If you don’t like it, you’ll tell everyone you know. If businesses want to stay in business, the best way is to offer honest, reliable service.

— Margaret K., Orlando, Fla.

Margaret, you can always report a business to the Better Business Bureau. If they get enough complaints, they can investigat­e the situation. I’m sorry to say, price gouging happens, especially for those who need to depend on others for knowledge that they don’t have. You did the right thing by getting a second opinion, and thankfully got a better deal.

Fast facts

Need to improve the health of your nails?

• Moisturize your nails and cuticles often.

• Wear gloves when doing housework or gardening.

• Don’t pick at or peel nail polish.

•Try applying a petroleum jelly to your nails at night before bed.

A knitted gift

Dear Heloise: Here is my hint: I knit and crochet to gift or donate. People give me their yarn frequently. Sometimes it smells bad from being stored or from being in a house where people smoke. Before handling it to make something, I put it in a zippered lingerie bag so it doesn’t tangle. Then I toss it in the washer and dryer. That way it’s pleasant to use and fresh to give away.

— Pat P., Sidney, Ohio

Travel warnings

Dear Heloise: With more people traveling now, I have some hints to make their trip a little safer.

Always do your homework before you go. Check the travel advisory at the US Department of State’s website ( Always leave an itinerary and hotel informatio­n with family and friends. Don’t take expensive jewelry and don’t flash large sums of money. If you find yourself in trouble that you cannot handle, contact the closest US Embassy.

— Drake W., Alexandria, Va.

Drake, that’s very good advice. I would also recommend that if you take medication, be sure it’s in a prescripti­on bottle with your doctor’s name on it. Write down the name and number of the US Embassy and store it with your passport or wallet. Make sure your passport is current. If you apply for a new one, it can take six to eight weeks to arrive.

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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