Antelope Valley Press

Giving fruit a vinegar rinse can help preserve it

- Hints from Heloise

Dear Heloise: I read the tip about washing fruit in a vinegar rinse. I’ve done this for some time. This truly does work to preserve the fruit for a week at least. I just turned 80 and can always learn something new. I enjoy your column, as I did your mother’s.

— Gloria G., Waco, Texas

Clean shower liner

Dear Heloise: I put a small suction cup with a hook on my shower wall opposite the shower curtain. After showering, I put the middle of the bottom of the liner on the hook. This prevents the curtain from getting moldy.

— Barbara Wood, Troy, NY

Dishwasher trouble

Dear Heloise: When my dishes were not getting clean after a couple of washes, my husband did some maintenanc­e. He checked the filters and found them clogged with paper and paste material. This was my fault because of my recycling and repurposin­g projects. I had been placing jars with labels on them in the dishwasher. Now I remove the labels before the dishwasher runs for longer washer life.

— Judy Veazie, Vancouver, Wash.

ID tags save lives of lost dogs

Dear Heloise: I read with interest the valuable tips for finding a lost dog. I would like to add a plea to everyone to please put an ID tag on your dog with your phone number. This is the minimum and can save your dog’s life. Sadly, far too many dogs have an empty collar. My dogs have the ID, a microchip and a license, but microchips need a reader and the license requires contact with the county. But anyone can make a phone call.

Things happen, I know. A delivery person left my gate open. I was frantic until my neighbor was able to call me quickly thanks to the ID tag, and Doris Dog was safely returned. I have also been able to return lost dogs because they had tags with phone numbers on their collars. If your dog goes to the pound, it is expensive and tragically, many never come out. People are more likely to help your dog if they see a tag, because they know they can find the dog’s home and won’t get “stuck” with the dog.

These tags can be obtained easily and inexpensiv­ely online or from a pet store. Think about it. Thank you, Heloise, for all your helpful tips and tricks. I especially enjoy the pet pics and hints.

— Gail Downie, Dayton, Ohio

Thanks, Gail. We love your dogs and want to take these steps to protect them.

— Heloise

Hidden money

Dear Heloise: Many years ago (60 or more), a neighbor was telling me about cleaning out his father’s house. He was just throwing piles of paper items into the fireplace, when the flames got very high and sparks were jumping out onto the floor. So he had to wait for the fire to burn down. While waiting, he noticed a greeting card that he had sent to his father. When he opened it, a $10 bill fell out. Then he remembered sending money in Christmas cards, birthday cards and Father’s Day cards, and had no idea how much money he had thrown into the fire. — E.J., via email

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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