Antelope Valley Press

What a hassle


How many of you have received your promised “middle class tax refund” as I did? Oh joy! (Sarcasm that is.) I didn’t know I was middle class.

We get tax refunds from state income taxes deposited in our bank accounts, right. Could this have been done the same way, no. Instead the government beauracrac­y thought up another way to screw us tax payers. I got a debit card!

That meant having to phone an 800 number to activate it and provide a pin number. The back of the letter explained all the charges that had to be paid to get the money out, not to mention the fact that if you bought gas with it, (which it was supposed to alleviate the high price of) you have to pay more to use a card than if you pay cash.

Depositing it in my bank account was the most expensive option. If I used it to buy stuff it would probably expire before I used it up. But wait — it wasn’t worth $600. No, just $350. So I tried to cash it out since that seemed the least expensive way to get the money.

My credit union couldn’t cash it. I had to go to a commercial bank. The first one had a waiting line almost to the door, so I left and chose a second one. Success, half a day later.

How do I properly thank our governor and legislatur­e for their generosity and providing for “convenient access” ?

Kay Brickner


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