Antelope Valley Press

On the same wavelength


Not long ago, on November 10, to be exact, Jack O’ Conner wrote, hoping for a red tsunami, on the opinion page of this fine paper.

In his article he replied to Mr Whites challenge that Trump policies never helped people making under $4000,000 K.

I applauded Mr O’s article for pointing out that Trump, like him or not, helped the economy. However, i took the liberty to spice up his article with some related material. For instance. According to the Bureau of labor statistics: when Trump left office inflation was 1.8%. Because everyone, black, white, Latino, and in-between, had more money in their pocket. I’m going to call that a benefit.

On the other hand, under Biden, inflation has ranged from 8.6 to 7.7%. If your worried about pocketbook issues. Like Gas, groceries and energy. I call that a negative.

No matter how you cook the books. In addition to that. While researchin­g issues on the economy. I stumbled, across, something far more interestin­g. Well interestin­g to reasonable people.

On (11/5) Fox news digital reported that the New York Times declared: “That leading up to the mid-terms, the President, has overstated his influence on the economy.” How about that. On November 5, 2022. The New York Times called Biden a phony. I wonder if the Times story will make it into Mr. Brax’s. “Today in history feature” Na. Fat chance.

Anyway, Thanks Mr. O’Conner. Your OK in my book.

Robert Mc Gregor Palmdale

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