Antelope Valley Press

Life on Mars?


Recent letter writers have left me a little perplexed. One says the world is over populated and we need to get rid of billions of people. One states climate change is destroying the world and we’re all going to die.

Don’t these two catastroph­es fix each other in the end? Climate change kills us all off which solves the overpopula­tion crises which in turn will fix the climate crises as humans will no longer be destroying the earth. There you go, problem solved so let’s move on.

A third writer I find most concerning is Michael Rivas. He is a former board member of the Antelope Valley Health care district and no longer holds that office, thank God. His statements regarding the population of the Antelope Valley are repugnant.

He writes “Isn’t it strange that the people, who are getting public housing funds to pay their rent, have four or five cars in their driveway? Some also get public funds to support their children.”

He continues “I guess it pays to have multiple children when you cannot even afford to support one of them, much less yourself. The child’s father is nowhere to be found and you and I have to cough up the money to feed them.”

I can’t imagine any elected official holding these views.

These statements are aimed directly at low-income minority residents. This will come back to haunt Mr. Rives.

These people that are willing to sacrifice the poor for some imaginary utopia of a planet with half the population are very dangerous.

Those of you that think we are overpopula­ted should volunteer to leave the planet. Jack O’Connor


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