Antelope Valley Press



dent say “Oh we don’t support Social Security reform, it’s the other guy”.

So once again politics takes center stage and in typical Washington DC fashion nothing happens but they feel good because they spend money like there is no tomorrow.

Senator Biden in 1975 put forth a plan to sunset Social Security and Medicare but now disavows his involvemen­t, could be he forgot – he convenient­ly forgets a lot of things. It is time for party leadership to put aside politics and their “what’s in it for me” attitude work for the people they govern.

I should also ask that people in Hades have ice water — it would have a better chance of happening. A suggested starting point; eliminate early retirement and raise wages subject to payroll tax to first $400K earned. You can still retire early but not collect social security until age 67. Curt Redecker


Stop the explosions

February 18th, 11 pm, another rapid-fire volley of explosions. With fireworks already happening in February, what does that mean for the summer?

The endless fireworks have made my life utterly unbearable for so long. My life is nothing but dread, fear, despair, and one sleepless night after another. Moving is not an option for me. All I’ve ever asked is for the random, year-round explosions to stop so that we can sleep in peace, free from crippling, debilitati­ng anxiety. I don’t understand why that’s so unreasonab­le.

Please help me, and yourselves as well. Please make the city hear us. Please write to the city leadership. This nightmare has to stop.

Matthew Sobol Lancaster

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