Antelope Valley Press

Are you scared yet?


Socialist Democrats have been working diligently to undermine and violate state Constituti­ons, and ignore the Constituti­on of the United States, forcing upon citizens their democracy of tyranny.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) instituted a policy during the COVID panic to detain citizens into quarantine camps — without notice, without rights, and indefinite­ly, at the authority of state-chosen health officials as they say is needed.

On behalf of New York Citizens, Senator George Borrello (R), Assemblyma­n Chris Tague (R), Assemblyma­n Mike Lawler (R) sued the Governor and his health department in the New York State Supreme Court over Cuomo’s (D) totalitari­an policy. The court ruled their dystopian detention plan unconstitu­tional as it violates the Separation of Powers and Due Process of Law.

Understand, this rule allowed the Department of Health to pick and choose which New Yorkers to lock up, with no proof that they were ever exposed to, let alone actually sick with, a communicab­le disease.

They could lock you down in your home, or remove you from your home forcing you into quarantine camps of their choosing; and these facilities were already built.

There were no time limits, no appeal, no rights at all. Remember, government obstructed all COVID speech contrary to its view.

Government wokeism knows no boundaries.

Imagine local police knocking on your door telling you that you must go with them… by order of the Health Department, with no regulatory procedure by which you could be released from quarantine; there is no way out.

Current NY Gov. Kathy Hochul (D), through Attorney General Letitia James (D), have now appealed the court’s rejection of their “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” scheme.

This socialist Democrat authoritar­ian-style of arrest, quarantine, and isolation without due process would have been unimaginab­le a few years ago. Is California immune from this tyranny? Richard Skidmore


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