Antelope Valley Press

Atomic energy is the answer


So, the doddering old fool in the White House, Mr. Biden, is pushing for 100% electric vehicles in a short time.

Now before all you folks who will write and claim that it is “the future” of transporta­tion, maybe you need to listen to those who are many times more intelligen­t than almost last in his class, in colleges, Joe Biden. That’s correct. 76th our of 85, law school ... and mid do late 500’s, in Delaware, out of 700 plus.

Folks who know will tell you: That our main enemy is China. Where are the metals found that are needed to produce that huge number of batteries that this stupidity will require? Thats correct: China. Think over payments, etc.

Don’t they grow on trees? No, children, that is a lie from fools who think there will be no changes in quality of life when all the EV’s are the only option. Did you know, it is estimated that producing, mining and making, some 800 million EV cars and trucks, and the batteries needed, will produce more than one trillion with a T, tons of: unuseable waste. Where will China dump that load? Be on the oceans of the world.

As of today, not one country has the wherewitha­ll, to have electrical grids in place, with enough back-up, to be able to charge 50,000,000 EV’s, at the same time, without disastrous results ...

Parts, including batteries, will be needed. Think they will be free? Wrong. Think you will be able to buy “extras” in advance? Wrong. Expensive? Stupid question. Every cent spent, makes China stronger.

What will work, with little downturn, and no China involvemen­t, is atomic energy. Yes. Nukes. We already do it. Cleaner, quieter, no dependence on Non-Americans.

Skip Thacker


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