Antelope Valley Press

Administra­tions at fault for debt


George Jung, I proudly accept a right-wing conservati­ve label, but I will not accept an ultra-far right or even far right-wing label by you or anyone else.

As a comparison you cited Mrs. Michelle Obama being proud of America for the first time in her adult life. The difference between me and Mrs. Obama is I was proud of my government for 80 years while Mrs. Obama, by her words, spent a significan­t part of her adult life not being proud of her government. To be more accurate, I should have said I am not proud of the Department of Justice and its sub-entities.

Fitch, one of three internatio­nal credit rating agencies, downgraded the US credit rating from AAA to AA+. Fitch cites the US debt to income ratio as the reason for the downgrade. As he normally does, President Joe Biden immediatel­y blamed the Trump administra­tion for the downgrade.

From 1990 to 2008, during the 18 years of the George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, the debt doubled from $5 trillion to $10 trillion. From 2009 to 2023, during the 14 years of the Obama, Trump and Biden administra­tions the debt rose from $10 trillion to $32 trillion and climbing (www.statista. com). The point is that the Obama, Trump and Biden administra­tions are responsibl­e for $22 trillion of the debt.

So Biden placing the debt blame on Trump is bogus. No one administra­tion is responsibl­e for our current debt issue.

I’m looking forward to the Trump tax cuts’ sunset in 2025, at which time Congress will need to pass legislatio­n to keep the 2017 Trump tax cut or it will revert to the previous tax rates. Democrats in Congress have repeatedly stated they want to cancel the Trump tax cut, so get ready for a significan­t tax increase, which will not just affect the rich, as Democrats would have you believe.

Curt Redecker Lancaster

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