Antelope Valley Press

Kudos for taking a stand


An Antelope Valley Press article “Parents group wary of 2 bills” (Sept. 16). Two thumbs up to the Antelope Valley Parents for Education group for organizing and keeping an ongoing scrutiny over the several anti-parents bills currently in the state legislatur­e. It is an important task vital to all.

Parental rights are being attacked from all directions by the state. The guise used by the state is always posed as the state needs to declare its moral obligation to protect and provide safety for the child, as if parents don’t exist.

At first blush, these are great-sounding words and ideas by the state, but sadly, they will no doubt find those willing to internaliz­e and agree. Because sorely, the fact of the matter is the reality is quite different. In one form or another, these bills break family bonds and crucially separate child from parent. What follows next? This can be easily seen in today’s mostly liberal universiti­es — indoctrina­tion.

It is an indoctrina­tion that

anti-America, anti-freedom, anti-thought or anti anything and everything good that has evolved out of our great 247-year social experiment. That experiment has gone awry. The ultra-leftists’ movement, so far, is on course to compete its total dominance of all education. From higher education right down through kindergart­en.

To paraphrase the insightful Thomas Sowell, simply put, it is a matter of ignorance dominating knowledge.

The importance of winning this cultural battle cannot be exaggerate­d, nor can the magnitude of losing be minimized.

Dave Walker Palmdale

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