Antelope Valley Press

Rep. Eshoo announces her retirement


WASHINGTON — Rep. Anna Eshoo, a Democrat representi­ng parts of California’s Silicon Valley, announced Tuesday that she will not run for reelection next year, marking the end of her more than three decades in Congress.

“I’m choosing this beautiful season of Thanksgivi­ng to announce that I will not be seeking reelection,” Eshoo said in a video posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “And I do so with a heart filled with unending gratitude to you, my magnificen­t constituen­ts.”

Eshoo’s retirement will likely kick off a fierce race for her seat in California’s 16th Congressio­nal District, which encompasse­s Silicon Valley as well as parts of Santa Jose and San Mateo County. It is a safe Democratic seat that the 80-year-old has occupied since being elected in 1992 as the first woman and Democrat to ever represent the area. She previously served for a decade on the San Mateo County Board of Supervisor­s.

Eshoo joins more than a dozen House Democrats who are opting to retire or run for another office next year. She said in the video announceme­nt that she made her decision after reflecting on her record of accomplish­ments in the chamber, including her time as a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

“I’m very proud of the body of bipartisan work I’ve been able to achieve on your behalf in the Congress,” Eshoo said in a message to her constituen­ts. She said she’ll be leaving public office with more than 60 bills she introduced having been signed into law.

In a statement, House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries saluted Eshoo’s years of public service.

“It is fitting that Silicon Valley has been represente­d by a prolific legislator, innovator, and barrier breaker like Anna Eshoo,” the New York Democrat said. “Anna has been a personal mentor and source of encouragem­ent and inspiratio­n throughout my journey in Congress and I wish her and her family the best in this new chapter at the conclusion of a historic Congressio­nal career.”

Eshoo is the sixth California Democrat this year to announce they are either retiring or seeking other offices. Rep. Tony Cárdenas, who has represente­d California’s San Fernando Valley for nearly three decades, also said this week that he will be retiring when his term is up.

 ?? Silicon Valley. ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES ?? Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Menlo Park, announced Tuesday she is not running for reelection next year, which marks the end of her more than three decades in Congress representi­ng California’s
Silicon Valley. ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Menlo Park, announced Tuesday she is not running for reelection next year, which marks the end of her more than three decades in Congress representi­ng California’s

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