Antelope Valley Press

They actually have creative thoughts


Ifind it funny when our liberal socialist progressiv­e left-wing antifa Democrat friends say that the conservati­ve people don’t ever have a creative thought of their own.

Where exactly does Adam Shiftless live? He claims his 3,400-square-foot Maryland home as his primary residence and his 640-squarefoot California condo as his primary residence. He paid his California property tax with a Maryland check. I find that interestin­g.

George Murdoch had an interestin­g suggestion the other day when talking about the House of Representa­tives reducing Pete Buttigieg’s salary to $1. He suggested that they should audit his finances. That would scare the hell out of any DC politician.

By the way, George Murdoch is one of Quartz Hill High’s most famous alumni. He goes by the name Tyrus.

The mainstream media is rejoicing that gas prices are under $3 a gallon in eight states. Funny because when the old fool in the White House was elected, it was $2.39 a gallon national average.

To our resident Marxist: If it was so wonderful in the USSR and GDR, why does neither one still exist? By the way an estimated 15 million people were killed or died from famine because of the revolution in Russia. He used nine paragraphs to answer my two-sentence question and still didn’t prove anything.

I want to thank all my fellow veterans on this Veterans Day. I was discharged from the US Air Force in March 1972. Nobody thanked me for my service until after 9-11 — almost 30 years later. I want to thank all the military protesters and the professors who taught them.

Steve Brewer Rosamond

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