Antelope Valley Press

North Korea says it put spy satellite into orbit


SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea claimed Wednesday to have successful­ly placed a spy satellite into orbit with its third launch attempt this year, demonstrat­ing the nation’s determinat­ion to build a space-based surveillan­ce system during protracted tensions with the United States.

The North’s claim could not immediatel­y independen­tly be confirmed. Observers doubt whether the satellite is advanced enough to perform military reconnaiss­ance. But the launch still invited strong condemnati­on from the United States and its partners because the UN bans North Korea from conducting satellite launches, calling them covers for tests of missile technology.

The North’s space agency said that its new “Chollima-1” carrier rocket accurately placed the Malligyong-1 satellite into orbit on Tuesday night, about 12 minutes after liftoff from the country’s main launch center.

The National Aerospace Technology Administra­tion called the launch a legitimate right of North Korea to bolster its self-defense capabiliti­es. It said the spy satellite would help improve the North’s war preparedne­ss in the face of “the enemies’ dangerous military moves.”

The agency said leader Kim Jong Un oversaw the launch at the scene and congratula­ted scientists and others involved. It said North Korea will launch several more spy satellites to better monitor South Korea and other areas.

US National Security Council spokespers­on Adrienne Watson said Washington strongly condemned North Korea for the launch, saying it “raises tensions and risks destabiliz­ing the security situation in the region and beyond.”

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