Antelope Valley Press

Netanyahu: War won’t stop after cease-fire


JERUSALEM — Israel and Hamas on Tuesday appeared close to a deal to temporaril­y halt their devastatin­g six-week war for dozens of hostages being held in the Gaza Strip to be freed in exchange for Palestinia­ns in Israeli prisons.

But as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened his Cabinet for a vote, he vowed to resume the Israeli offensive against Hamas as soon as the truce ends.

“We are at war, and we will continue the war,” he said. “We will continue until we achieve all our goals.”

The Israeli Cabinet was expected to vote on a plan that would halt Israel’s offensive in Gaza for several days in exchange for the release of about 50 of the 240 hostages held by Hamas. Israel has vowed to continue the war until it destroys Hamas’ military capabiliti­es and returns all hostages.

Hamas predicted a Qatari-mediated deal could be reached in “the coming hours.”

Netanyahu acknowledg­ed that the Cabinet faced a tough decision, but supporting the cease-fire was the right thing to do. Netanyahu appeared to have enough support to pass the measure, despite opposition from some hard-line ministers.

Netanyahu said that during the lull, intelligen­ce efforts will be maintained, allowing the army to prepare for the next stages of battle. He said the battle would continue until “Gaza will not threaten Israel.”

The announceme­nt came as Israeli troops battled Palestinia­n militants in an urban refugee camp in northern Gaza and around hospitals overcrowde­d with patients and sheltering families.

Details of the expected cease-fire deal were not released. Israeli media reported that an agreement would include a five-day halt in Israel’s offensive in Gaza and the release of 50 hostages held by Hamas in exchange for some 150 Palestinia­n prisoners held by Israel.

Israel’s Channel 12 TV said the first releases would take place Thursday or Friday and continue for several days.

Talks have repeatedly stalled. But even if a deal is reached, it would not mean an end to the war, which erupted on Oct. 7 after Hamas militants stormed across the border into southern Israel and killed at least 1,200 people, most of them civilians, and kidnapped some 240 others.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A woman plasters photos of Israeli children from Kibbutz Afar Azza missing and held captive in Gaza, in Tel Aviv, Israel, on Tuesday. The hostages, mostly Israeli citizens, were kidnapped during an Oct. 7 Hamas crossborde­r attack in Israel and have been held in Gaza since then.
ASSOCIATED PRESS A woman plasters photos of Israeli children from Kibbutz Afar Azza missing and held captive in Gaza, in Tel Aviv, Israel, on Tuesday. The hostages, mostly Israeli citizens, were kidnapped during an Oct. 7 Hamas crossborde­r attack in Israel and have been held in Gaza since then.

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