Antelope Valley Press

Inspiring ideas for last-minute holiday shoppers


It’s unlikely that anyone aspires to be a last-minute holiday shopper. Putting off holiday shopping until the last minute can make for a stressful home stretch to the season, and there’s no guarantee store shelves won’t already be picked clean or that gifts purchased online will arrive on time.

Despite how unappealin­g last-minute shopping can be, it’s still a fact of life for millions of holiday shoppers. As the clock winds down this holiday season, shoppers can look to these ideas for inspiratio­n.

• Gift cards: Gift cards may never earn a distinctio­n as the most sentimenta­l item to give a loved one during the holiday season, but they are surprising­ly soughtafte­r. In fact, a survey from the National Retail Federation found that 54 percent of participan­ts identified gift cards as the most-wanted gift of the 2022 holiday season. Chain retailers, small businesses and restaurant­s are among the many establishm­ents that sell gift cards, so shoppers are bound to find a card to please anyone on their shopping list.

• Food/beverage: The holiday season is a popular time to indulge in some great food and wash it down with a favorite wine or another adult beverage. That makes food and beverages a great holiday gift. Shoppers can take a loved one out to a favorite restaurant, prepare a homemade treat or purchase a favorite dish from a local specialty grocery store or eatery. Pair the food with an appropriat­e beverage and this accessible last-minute gift idea is sure to be a hit.

• Tickets: Tickets to a movie, sporting event, live theater performanc­e, or concert are another gift idea that likely won’t be gobbled up by early bird shoppers. People of all ages enjoy experience­s, and a 2022 survey from the travel booking platform GetYourGui­de found that 50 percent of survey respondent­s indicated they would enjoy tickets to a concert or show.

• Books: Books make an ideal holiday gift for everyone from young kids to grandparen­ts. Traditiona­l print books are small enough that they can likely arrive on time even if they’re purchased just a few days before Christmas. E-book sellers enable gift givers to pick the perfect time to notify loved ones they have received an electronic book. Audiobooks, which can be downloaded to a smartphone or given as a CD, make an ideal gift for loved ones who spend a lot of time behind the wheel. Last-minute holiday shopping can be stressful. However, various sought-after items can be secured at the last minute, ensuring gift givers’ loved ones have a happy holiday season.

 ?? ?? As the clock winds down this holiday season, shoppers can look to these ideas for inspiratio­n.
As the clock winds down this holiday season, shoppers can look to these ideas for inspiratio­n.

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