Antelope Valley Press

Grand Old Party has become joke


Iam constantly amazed at the lack of intellectu­al intellect most of the ultra-far right fascist conservati­ves who frequently submit their numerous letters that are full of gibberish to the Antelope Valley Press.

These mental giants who are so in love with der Führer (Donald) Trump and the Speaker of the House Mike Johnson do not care about the United States Constituti­on and the Rule of Law. By the way they act, one can only assume they forgot their high school civics and American government classes, which taught us that the rule of law is a political ideal that all citizens and institutio­ns within a country, state or community are accountabl­e to the same laws, including lawmakers and leaders. It is sometimes stated simply as “no one is above the law.”

Yesterday during his press conference regarding the events of Jan. 6, Mikey Boy said, “We have to blur some of the faces of persons who participat­ed in the events of that day because we don’t want them to be retaliated against and to be charged by the DOJ.”

Former Rep. Joe Walsh, R-Ill., accused Johnson of “aiding and abetting criminal activity.” In addition, former Mueller prosecutor Andrew Weissmann called “fully committed Trump enabler” Mike Johnson’s comments “open contempt for the rule of law and a violation of oath of office.”

When it comes right down to it, the Grand Old Party has become a joke and embarrassm­ent because they have failed to lead. Case in point: Look how long it took for them to elect Kevin McCarthy speaker of the House. Then nine months later his party ousted him. I may be wrong, but I believe he was the first sitting speaker to ever be fired. Such an honor.

The sad thing is he should have known not to make a deal with Matt Gaetz and the other whackos to become speaker. Now we are learning Kevin will be leaving Congress at the end of this month. He just announced he will resign from office at the end of December.

Kevin’s announceme­nt just adds to the GOP clown show. After all, look how many people ran for speaker after Kevin was fired before they finally settled on one of the biggest election deniers. Republican­s are so scared of Trump that they have sold their souls to the devil to stay in power.

Today’s GOP needs to learn to be leaders.

George Jung Antelope Acres

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