Antelope Valley Press

Albania returns stolen icons to neighborin­g North Macedonia

- By LLAZAR SEMINI Associated Press

TIRANA, Albania — Albania on Friday returned 20 icons to neighborin­g North Macedonia that were stolen a decade ago, Albania’s Culture Ministry said.

The return marked the final stretch on a long, 10-year road with “much inter-institutio­nal and internatio­nal cooperatio­n,” said Albania’s Culture Minister Elva Margariti. It also showed Albania’s commitment to “the fight against traffickin­g of the cultural inheritanc­e objects,” she said.

A handover ceremony was held at the National Historic Museum in the Albanian capital of Tirana. No further details were provided about the icons.

Later, the cargo arrived at the National Museum in North Macedonia’s capital, Skopje, where they were unpacked and briefly presented to the public. They will be kept for up to 45 days in a special chamber to avoid damage from atmospheri­c pressure changes, after which experts will start their restoratio­n.

North Macedonia’s Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevsk­i and head of the Orthodox Church, Archbishop Stefan joined the ceremony.

In 2013, Albanian authoritie­s in Tirana seized more than 1,000 stolen religious and secular pieces of art dating from the 15th to the mid20th century and arrested two men suspected of planning to sell them abroad.

The icons, frescoes and other pieces were taken from churches and cultural centers in southeaste­rn Albania and in the neighborin­g North Macedonia.

North Macedonian Culture Minister Bisera Kostadinov­ska thanked Albanian authoritie­s.

In 2013, North Macedonian experts recognized the icons when Albanian television stations broadcast Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama inspecting icons seized by police. Skopje officially put in a request for their return in 2018.

In 2022, the two government­s signed the agreement for their return during a joint Cabinets’ meeting in Skopje, the first of its kind in the region.

Many icons and other artworks in Albania are believed to have been looted from churches and other places, especially during the anarchy of 1997 in Albania, when many in the country — among some of the continent’s poorest people — lost their life savings in failed pyramid schemes.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A museum worker displays an icon returned from Albania at the National museum in Skopje, North Macedonia on Friday.
ASSOCIATED PRESS A museum worker displays an icon returned from Albania at the National museum in Skopje, North Macedonia on Friday.

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