Antelope Valley Press

Protesters disrupt legislativ­e session


SACRAMENTO (AP) — Hundreds of protesters calling for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war interrupte­d the first day of California’s legislativ­e session on Wednesday, forcing the state Assembly to adjourn just moments after convening.

Lawmakers had just listened to the opening prayer and said the Pledge of Allegiance when protesters wearing matching black T-shirts stood and started singing “Cease-fire now” and “Let Gaza live.”

A few people unfurled banners from the chamber’s gallery that read: “Jews say never again for anyone.”

At first, Jim Wood, a Democratic assemblyme­mber from Healdsburg who was presiding over the session, tried to continue the session despite the singing. Eventually though he called for a recess and adjourned a few minutes later.

Nearly all of the lawmakers left the floor. Protesters cheered when officials turned the lights off in the chamber, holding up the flashlight­s on their phones as they continued to sing, which included a lengthy call-and-response chant from the gallery.

“We are Jews and California­ns, Assembly members, we call on you to join us in demanding a cease-fire now,” they said.

Democratic Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas’ office declined to comment. Assemblyme­mber James Gallagher, the Republican leader, said the protesters obstructed their work.

“Look, we’re trying to open up our session. Granted, we probably didn’t have a whole lot of, you know, big business to do today. But if the objective is to shut down the government functions, I don’t think that’s a good way to go about getting your message across,” he said. “We can’t let them shut us down. We have to go about our business. We have big pressing issues this year.”

Wednesday’s protest was organized by groups including Jewish Voice for Peace, IfNotNow and the Internatio­nal Jewish Anti-Zionist Network.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Assembly members Heath Flora (left), R-Modesto, and Josh Lowenthal (right), D-Long Beach, leave the Assembly chambers Wednesday as protesters calling for a cease-fire in Gaza disrupt the first day of the legislativ­e session.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Assembly members Heath Flora (left), R-Modesto, and Josh Lowenthal (right), D-Long Beach, leave the Assembly chambers Wednesday as protesters calling for a cease-fire in Gaza disrupt the first day of the legislativ­e session.

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