Antelope Valley Press

Animal ID No.: A5596258 Animal name: Petunia


Petunia is a two-year-old, spayed, gray pit bull that was found tied to the fence at the Palmdale Animal Care Center. When the owner was contacted, it was stated he was homeless and could no longer care for his dog. Though she was just abandoned, she was happily wagging her tail and seeking attention from the staff who found her. She knows “sit,” “shake” and “down.” She is excellent at catching treats mid-air. She has an adorable “prancing” run. She will dance with her front paws (happy feet) in anticipati­on when she knows a treat is coming her way. She loves people and loves having her rear scratched. While at her cage, Petunia had soft eyes, a relaxed body, and a neutral tail wag. The runner opened the gate and easily placed his loop leash over her head. She exited the kennel and walked slightly ahead of the runner with a moderate pull on the leash. When she arrived at the catch pen, she approached the fence and exchanged soft nose-to-nose greetings with multiple dogs. When she entered the yard, she was quickly approached by the dogs. She tolerated the group lingering around her as they sniffed her body. As the group dispersed, she explored the yard. She approached one handler and nudged his hand, wanting affection. The handler knelt and gently pet the back of her head. As she was enjoying the affection, she leaned into the handler’s leg wanting further petting. Afterward, she walked away and was approached by a male husky that play bowed at her feet. She tolerated the husky enticing play and pawing at her side but did not engage in play. Petunia can be seen at the center during its open hours of 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

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