Antelope Valley Press

A football game suggestion


So, now have Black racists — and, yes, a lot of Black folks are flaming racists — wanting to kill all-white folk, after his arrest for stabbing two white folk.

We also have an average (check his stats) Black former NFL running back (two teams) who left football for good after six years, demanding that the always worthless Pro Bowl game be Black players against white players only and always.

If you think this guy is not racist, you’re plain not paying attention. Racism will, sadly, always be with us, just like poor folk, homelessne­ss, hungry folk.

We should have an end-ofthe-season game, played on the Sunday before the Super Bowl in a state-of-the-art, enclosed, football-only stadium. Who should play? The NFC team with the worst win-loss record verses the AFC team with the worst win-loss record. (Example: As of this day, Dec. 28, New England AFC vs Carolina NFC).

What does a win get? 1. Each player who is eligible to play receives $100,000, paid by the NFL, not the team, win or lose.

2. The winning team gets an extra, untradeabl­e firstround pick at the end of round one; a third-round pick at the end of the third round; and a fifth-round pick at the end of round five. No matter how many picks they have in each round.

The losing team gets an extra, untradeabl­e thirdround pick at the end of round three after the winner; a fifth-round pick at the end of round five after the winner; and a sixth-round pick at the end of round six.

None of these picks can traded before the draft.

Will this avert racism? Of course not; in fact, it won’t be any help. But calling it the toilet bowl, and adding T.B. Manufactur­es as ad partners, will be a benefit to the NFL, and each team gets three players they would not have had who could be only awesome.

Think about it. Like it? Tell the NFL. Don’t like it? Check your pulse.

Skip Thacker


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