Antelope Valley Press

A different approach to creating a happy new you

- Elvie C. Ancheta is a registered nurse with a doctorate in education.

Here comes another year full of potentiali­ty. We bade a grateful goodbye to year past and hope for another year of growth and betterment.

Some people usher in the year with traditiona­l flare or ceremonial acts wishing for a more prosperous and peaceful New Year unfolding. Some, if not most of us, are optimistic about new beginnings, new resolution­s, new goals, and a new me and plan to:

• Lose weight.

• Get organized.

• Spend less, save more.

• Enjoy life to the fullest.

• Stay fit and healthy.

• Learn something exciting.

• Quit smoking.

• Help others.

• Fall in love.

• Spend more time with family.

You may or may not resonate with the list above. You may have your own personal and altruistic goals for the coming year. There is something about starting new things in the beginning of a new year that inspires us to make a list of resolution­s that we intend to accomplish. There are those who never had New Year’s resolution­s. Perhaps they know that the rate in the accomplish­ment arena is rather non-promising. Let’s do it differentl­y this year.

Instead of a new year’s resolution list, commit to create new habits that will build your character. One famous philosophe­r said: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore is not an act but a habit.” So if you want a better new you, start assessing your daily habits. Do they contribute to the best new you? If not, simply give them up and resolve to start a better system of habits.

If you want to lose weight for example, make a list of daily habits such as:

• Start the day with a glass of water and healthy breakfast.

• Meditate or have a 10 minutes of quite time to be grateful.

• Exercise for 10 minutes in the morning before shower.

• Walk for 10 minutes at lunch time.

• Park your car the farthest and walk to your destinatio­n.

• Drink more water throughout the day.

• Limit your sugar-heavy beverages intake.

• Load up on fruits and vegetables every meal and go easy on processed foods.

• Exercise for another 10 minutes in the evening.

It will take a month or two of daily actions to create a habit. If you feel like quitting, don’t. And don’t justify your lack of commitment. What you do or eat in private you will wear in public. As you develop the habits, they become part of your character.

At the end of the year, the new you is not just a potential but a reality. And then on to new advancing habits. If you are doing your best, you will not have any energy to worry about failing.

Book author David Nour presents the idea of raising the bar on your resolution­s success by upgrading your personal and profession­al performanc­e by upgrading your character. Mr. Nour offers these questions to stimulate your transforma­tion towards the better you:

• How do I elevate my intelligen­ce, my perspectiv­e, and my point of view?

• How do I translate more of my efforts into impact and results, not just busy work?

• How am I learning and growing, daily thorough each and every interactio­n?

• Am I improving as a person — who I really am versus who I want others to think I am?

• What are my real strengths that I can leverage to be more impactful in support or service of others?

• How am I shoring up my growing edges and making significan­t strides towards improving each?

Pondering upon these questions can help you realize who you want to become. May you find clarity of what self-upgrades you desire to make. Happy new you!

 ?? ?? In the Family Way Elvie Ancheta
In the Family Way Elvie Ancheta

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