Antelope Valley Press

Congress eyes deal on border, Ukraine


WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate negotiator­s were trying to land a bipartisan border security proposal this week that could unlock Senate Republican support for Ukraine aid. But as Congress returns, House conservati­ves are trying to interject their own hardline immigratio­n demands.

Senate negotiator­s met Monday morning as they raced to finish work on legislativ­e text. They were hoping this week to present the details of a bipartisan bill aimed at reducing the number of migrants who travel to the southern border to apply for asylum protection­s in the US The small group of senators has been working for months on the legislatio­n after Republican­s insisted on pairing border policy changes with supplement­al funding for Ukraine, but disagreeme­nts remained.

“I am more hopeful right now, even more than I was a few days ago, that we can get something meaningful done on the border and pass the supplement­al,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in a speech Monday. “Getting over the finish line is still not going to be easy.”

President Joe Biden’s administra­tion has also been directly involved in the talks as the president tries to both secure support for a top foreign policy priority — funding Ukraine’s defense against Russia — and demonstrat­e action on a potential political weakness — his handling of the historic number of migrants seeking asylum at the US border with Mexico.

Biden has faced staunch resistance from conservati­ves to his $110 billion request for a package of wartime aid for Ukraine and Israel as well as other national security priorities. In the Senate, Republican­s have demanded that the funding be paired with border security changes.

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