Antelope Valley Press

Issues found on key part of grounded Max 9 jetliners


PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — United Airlines said Monday it found loose bolts and other “installati­on issues” on a part of some Boeing 737 Max 9 jets that were inspected after a mid-flight blowout on a similar Alaska Airlines jet Friday.

The inspection­s are focused on plugs used to seal an area set aside for extra emergency doors that are not required on United and Alaska Max 9s. That plug is the part that blew off the Alaska plane as it cruised 16,000 feet over Oregon.

“Since we began preliminar­y inspection­s on Saturday, we have found instances that appear to relate to installati­on issues in the door plug – for example, bolts that needed additional tightening,” Chicago-based United said.

The Federal Aviation Administra­tion grounded all Max 9s operated by Alaska and United and some flown by foreign airlines after a terrifying flight on Friday night.

The Boeing jetliner that suffered an inflight blowout over Oregon was restricted from being used for flights to Hawaii after a warning light that could have indicated a pressuriza­tion problem lit up on three different flights.

Alaska Airlines decided not to let the aircraft make long flights over water so that it “could return very quickly to an airport” if the warning light reappeared, Jennifer Homendy, chair of the National Transporta­tion Safety Board, said Sunday.

Homendy cautioned that the pressuriza­tion light might be unrelated to Friday’s incident in which a plug covering an unused exit door blew off the Boeing 737 Max 9 as it cruised about three miles over Oregon.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Two NTSB agents examine the door plug from Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 on Monday in Portland, Ore. The panel from a Boeing 737 Max 9 jetliner blew out Friday, shortly after the flight took off from Portland.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Two NTSB agents examine the door plug from Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 on Monday in Portland, Ore. The panel from a Boeing 737 Max 9 jetliner blew out Friday, shortly after the flight took off from Portland.

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