Antelope Valley Press

Former editor of New York Times dies


NEW YORK (AP) — Joseph Lelyveld, a career journalist who rose from copy boy to foreign correspond­ent to executive editor at The New York Times and won a Pulitzer Prize for a nonfiction book, died Friday. He was 86.

Lelyveld passed away at his Manhattan home due to complicati­ons from Parkinson’s disease, Janny Scott, his longtime partner and a former Times reporter, told the newspaper.

“Cerebral and introspect­ive, Mr. Lelyveld was for nearly four decades one of the most respected journalist­s in America, a globe-trotting adventurer who reported from Washington, Congo, India, Hong Kong, Johannesbu­rg and London, winning acclaim for his prolific and perceptive articles,” the Times reported in a story about his death.

Lelyveld was hired by the Times as a copy boy in 1962 and went on to hold a number of reporting posts. He was executive editor from 1994 to 2001, retiring a week before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

During his tenure in that post, “The Times climbed to record levels of revenue and profits, expanded its national and internatio­nal readership­s, introduced color photograph­s to the front page, created new sections, and ushered in the digital age with a Times website and round-the-clock news operations,” the paper said.

Lelyveld oversaw the paper as it covered major stories from the Oklahoma City bombing and the O.J. Simpson trial to the Catholic Church’s sex abuse scandals and the 2000 presidenti­al election won by George W. Bush.

The Times won several Pulitzers under his watch, and he himself won a Pulitzer in 1996 for his nonfiction book “Move Your Shadow: South Africa, Black and White.”

Lelyveld retired in 2001 but returned two years later to serve briefly as interim executive editor after the resignatio­ns of Executive Editor Howell Raines and Managing Editor Gerald Boyd in the wake of the Jayson Blair plagiarism scandal.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Indian journalist M.J. Akbar (left), speaks as former New York
Times editor and Pulitzer Prize winner Joseph Lelyveld looks on during Jaipur Literature Festival in Jaipur, in the western Indian state of Rajasthan, India, on Jan. 21, 2012.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Indian journalist M.J. Akbar (left), speaks as former New York Times editor and Pulitzer Prize winner Joseph Lelyveld looks on during Jaipur Literature Festival in Jaipur, in the western Indian state of Rajasthan, India, on Jan. 21, 2012.

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