Antelope Valley Press

Council can’t deal with Alarcón issue


Several weeks ago, the Antelope Valley League of United Latin American Citizens wrote a letter printed by the Antelope Valley Press in which we urged the Palmdale City Council to deal with Councilwom­an Alarcón’s personal issues with compassion and empathy. We urged them to view alcoholism as a disease no different from the cancer that has wreaked havoc on the health of her cohort, councilwom­an Laura Bettencour­t.

This request has proven too much for the council and the Palmdale Freedom Coalition. Based on (Wednesday’s) actions, it is clear that they have not been able to deal with Councilwom­an Alarcón’s situation with any significan­t degree of humanity.

We all know their actions have nothing to do with morality or ethical behavior. While the council and PFC try to claim the moral high ground, accusing Alarcón of setting a bad moral example, the majority of their members are Republican­s who continue to support Donald Trump, considerab­ly the most immoral person to ever run for the highest office of the nation and leader of the free world.

This level of hypocrisy is so astonishin­g and blatant that no reasonable person can reconcile it. Of course, this does not include MAGA Republican­s who have been in denial for the past 8 years. Gratefully, their numbers are dwindling as we speak and their influence is dwindling commensura­tely.

We hope that City Council will soon realize that it is fear that drives them. This fear stems from the MAGA wide held notion that they are being displaced. This notion that permeates certain segments of our nation is giving license to the racist acts we are presently witnessing locally from the PFC, the council and the tribe to which they belong. This will cease as a result of the pushback being generated by conscienti­ous individual­s who care enough to fight back.

Xavier Flores president, Antelope Valley League of United Latin American Citizens


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