Antelope Valley Press

Newsom won’t sign tackle football bill


SACRAMENTO (AP) — California will not ban tackle football for children under 12 after Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom publicly promised he would not sign the bill if it were to reach his desk, blocking a proposal that had become a proxy for parental rights in a presidenti­al election year.

“I will not sign legislatio­n that bans youth tackle football,” Newsom said in a statement late Tuesday. “I am deeply concerned about the health and safety of our young athletes, but an outright ban is not the answer.”

It’s rare for Newsom, a father of four in his second term, to publicly weigh in on legislatio­n before it reaches his desk. But his decision to quash the proposed ban on youth tackle football before it even got a vote in the Legislatur­e could save him from questions on the campaign trail this year as he acts as a surrogate for President Joe Biden’s reelection.

Beyond 2024, Newsom’s decision could help his own national political ambitions as he would need the support of voters across the country where football carries significan­t cultural and social importance.

The proposal, which would have gradually banned tackle football for children under 12 by 2029, cleared a legislativ­e committee last week and was poised for a vote in the state Assembly before the end of the month. But even if the bill were to pass, Newsom’s pledge not to sign it — first reported by Politico — means there is little, if any, chance of it become law this year. While California lawmakers have the power to override a veto, they have not done that in more than four decades.

California already regulates youth tackle football, with Newsom signing a law that took effect in 2021 limiting teams to just two full-contact practices per week of not more than 30 minutes each during the regular season.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Bruce Bertram, 7, listens last week as lawmakers discuss a proposed bill that would ban children under 12 from playing tackle football in California. Gov. Gavin Newsom said Wednesday he would not sign the bill.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Bruce Bertram, 7, listens last week as lawmakers discuss a proposed bill that would ban children under 12 from playing tackle football in California. Gov. Gavin Newsom said Wednesday he would not sign the bill.

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