Antelope Valley Press

A threat to Joshua trees


The Palmdale mayor in today’s Antelope Valley Press (Jan. 11) announced that a corporatio­n will break ground within 30 days for their warehouse in the Joshua tree woodlands at 10th Street West and Columbia Way (Avenue M).

I am disappoint­ed in this corporatio­n. I thought they cared about humans and their natural environmen­t. Unfortunat­ely, some Joshua trees will be saved far away on private land, which most AV citizens will never see. And smaller trees will be transplant­ed at the site into a 12-acre bike path (if they survive). But the multi-century old trees, the burrowing owls, the Mojave ground squirrels and other wildlife will be destroyed and lost forever.

Those in power locally continue to destroy wildlife for short-lived, non-sustainabl­e economic growth. I’m sure there are creative ways we can grow economical­ly without destroying wildlife. I know jobs are needed, but not all locals will get these jobs, either. And this is about business only; I only wish our city leaders were more eco-conscious for the sake of their citizens’ health.

But it’s open season now and the ball is rolling. Now they are planning a 78-acre logistics park at Columbia Way and Sierra Highway. I’m sure many more Joshua trees will be destroyed here also. We lost one million Joshua trees in a fire last August, so it’s time to stop killing them.

The projects will continue as all permits and mitigation has been completed legally. But legality is not always ethical and environmen­tally just.

This is not progress.

Lisa M. Craft Palmdale

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