Antelope Valley Press

Greece votes to legalize same-sex civil marriage

- By NICHOLAS PAPHITIS Associated Press

ATHENS, Greece — Greece on Thursday became the first Orthodox Christian country to legalize same-sex civil marriage, despite opposition from the influentia­l, socially conservati­ve Greek Church.

A cross-party majority of 176 lawmakers in the 300-seat parliament voted late Thursday in favor of the landmark bill drafted by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis ‘center-right government. Another 76 rejected the reform while two abstained from the vote and 46 were not present in the house.

Mitsotakis tweeted after the vote that Greece “is proud to become the 16th (European Union) country to legislate marriage equality.”

“This is a milestone for human rights, reflecting today’s Greece — a progressiv­e, and democratic country, passionate­ly committed to European values,” he wrote.

Opinion polls suggest that most Greeks support the proposed reform by a narrow margin, and the issue has failed to trigger deep divisions in a country more worried about the high cost of living.

The bill was backed by four left-wing parties, including the main opposition Syriza.

“This law doesn’t solve every problem, but it is a beginning,” said Spiros Bibilas, a lawmaker from the small left-wing Passage to Freedom party, who is openly gay.

It was approved despite several majority and left-wing lawmakers abstaining or voting against the reform. Three small far-right parties and the Stalinist-rooted Communist Party rejected the draft law from the start of the two-day debate.

Supporters, waving rainbow banners, and opponents of the bill, holding religious icons and praying, held separate small, peaceful gatherings outside parliament Thursday.

“People who have been invisible will finally be made visible around us. And with them, many children (will) finally find their rightful place,” Mitsotakis told lawmakers ahead of the evening vote.

“Both parents of same-sex couples do not yet have the same legal opportunit­ies to provide their children with what they need,” he added.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Supporters of same-sex marriage bill take part in a rally Thursday at central Syntagma Square, in Athens, Greece. Greece’s parliament voted to legalize same-sex civil marriage in a first for an Orthodox Christian country.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Supporters of same-sex marriage bill take part in a rally Thursday at central Syntagma Square, in Athens, Greece. Greece’s parliament voted to legalize same-sex civil marriage in a first for an Orthodox Christian country.

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