Antelope Valley Press

Other countries killed their own


Hats off to Judy Watson’s fact-filled Feb. 1 letter. I’m sure our Antelope Valley socialist communist of all colors were totally shock and in denial after reading the Jan. 31 Opinion section story, “Swastika stands for evil, mass murder; so does hammer, sickle” written by Jeff Jacoby, a columnist for the Boston Globe. Finally, a detailed, well-written inyour-face with historic facts.

Russia, under the rule of Vladimir Lenin, murdered more Russians than the Nazis killed Jews in World War II. Mao of China also did his share in mass murder of millions of his own people. Let us not forget North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Cambodia, Nicaragua and San Salvador also killed their our people during their bloody communist revolution­s. This should be part of world history taught in all high schools across our nation mandatory prior to graduation.

Funny I have yet to see a “punch a communist” or “punch a socialist” T-shirts worn by conservati­ves.

These Democratic socialists have the nerve to call Trump supporters Nazis and even threatens Republican­s with physical violence, antifa included. These same Democratic socialists try to justify the mass murder of Jews by siding with Hamas, yet call Republican­s Nazis, which proves these are truly closet Nazis for condemning Republican­s.

Nazis like Hamas hate and murder Jews. Let us not forget Adolf Hitler and Lenin were once two peas in a pod, planning on ruling all of Europe for starters, pushing the world into WWII.

America should stop all funding ASAP for the always too little too late United Nation, then use that money saved to build America’s military.

On another note, regarding President Joe Biden’s Johnny-come-lately air strikes, with fears of starting a war with Iran: I got news for Biden. These threats of attacks being made by Iran will probably be made by any one of the hundreds of Iranian terrorist already here in America thanks to Biden’s open border policy.

Miguel Rios Palmdale

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