Antelope Valley Press

2 Dual Immersion schools coming

Palmdale School District plans to restructur­e, relocate 4 existing plaza


PALMDALE — The Palmdale School District announced Wednesday the approval of a resolution to restructur­e and relocate four existing plazas and to establish two new Dual Immersion kindergart­en through eighth-grade schools, effective for the fiscal year 2024-25.

This decision comes as part of the district’s ongoing efforts to enhance the Dual Immersion Program and accommodat­e the growing needs of its diverse student population.

The resolution, adopted Feb. 6 by the district’s governing board, signifies a significan­t milestone in the district’s commitment to providing quality education that aligns with the Three Pillars of Dual Immersion Education, Palmdale PROMISE (Pursuing Remarkable Opportunit­ies to Marshal Innovation, Inspiratio­n, and Imaginatio­n for Success & Engagement) values and K-8 Advantages.

“Ensuring access to high-quality education for all students remains a top priority for the Palmdale School District,” said Anthony Hunt, president of the governing board. “The approved resolution reflects our dedication to fostering an inclusive learning environmen­t where every student can thrive and we continue to implement the Palmdale PROMISE.”

The decision to restructur­e and relocate four plazas — Desert Rose, Manzanita, Tamarisk and Tumbleweed elementary schools — was prompted by a capacity study, which identified a need to accommodat­e plaza sixth-, seventhand eighth-graders due to capacity constraint­s at Dos Caminos and Los Amigos Dual Immersion schools. After carefully considerin­g 12 options, the board determined that transition­ing to two new Dual Immersion K-8 schools would best serve the district’s English Learners participat­ing in the Dual Immersion Program. Monolingua­l students at Manzanita and Tumbleweed will be rezoned as part of the restructur­ing plan. In contrast, dual immersion students from Tamarisk will relocate to Tumbleweed, and those from Desert Rose will transition to Manzanita.

Implementi­ng this plan will also involve the developmen­t of four new enrollment policies to ensure that students are appropriat­ely placed. Employees affected by school rezoning will receive support from Human Resources and their respective collective bargaining units to address any concerns that arise during the transition period.

“We are committed to facilitati­ng a smooth transition for students and staff,” Hunt said. “Our focus remains on providing a seamless and enriching educationa­l experience for all members of our school community.”

For details, contact your local school.

 ?? PHOTO COURTESY OF CANDACE CRAVEN/ PALMDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT ?? Tumbleweed Elementary School kindergart­en students (clockwise from front) Ethan Gonzales Rodriguez, Andrea Baltazar, Brittish Robinson, Bentley Peachey and Aria Salvatierr­a will be in first grade in August when the school will be one of the new kindergart­en to eighth-grade dual immersion schools being created in the Palmdale School District.
PHOTO COURTESY OF CANDACE CRAVEN/ PALMDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT Tumbleweed Elementary School kindergart­en students (clockwise from front) Ethan Gonzales Rodriguez, Andrea Baltazar, Brittish Robinson, Bentley Peachey and Aria Salvatierr­a will be in first grade in August when the school will be one of the new kindergart­en to eighth-grade dual immersion schools being created in the Palmdale School District.

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