Antelope Valley Press

Differing views prompting attacks


I ’ve never been a politicall­y minded person. I’m probably the most non-political person you’ll ever meet. Recently I began reading the letters printed in this newspaper. Many of them deal with political issues of our time. I was appalled by the hate and disrespect the writers have for each other, especially in the political realm.

Just because someone voices an opinion different than yours, doesn’t make that person ignorant, stupid, uninformed, nor moronic. Each of us has walked a path in life different than everyone else. Because of this, our opinions rarely coincide. Personally,

I appreciate opinions that are original and untainted by outside sources. Those outside sources detract from originalit­y.

These opinion letters are just a microcosm of what’s happening in our nation. We’ve become the Ununited States of America. We’ve become a people separated by ideologies and blindness o to truth. How blind are we when we can’t figure out what sex we are? A different opinion today results in name-calling and belittling of not only the opinion but the writer as well.

If things are going to change, it has to start with YOU! Voice your opinion. It’s OK to disagree with others, but when you verbally bash them, puff out your chest and elevate your nose, you become the problem, not the opposing opinion. Your attitude is similar to an NBA player dunking over a smaller man and then getting in his face. There was a time when that was bad sportsmans­hip, but now it’s cheered. Do you feel like others are cheering you when you belittle others?

Try encouragin­g others. I’m not necessaril­y saying to encourage the opinion, but encourage the person to keep voicing his/her thoughts. Diversity is a good thing; you don’t have to totally agree with an opinion, but with the right attitude, you can glean something useful. Encouragem­ent does move to unite than bashing others. Try it for a change, and grow up.

I feel uncomforta­ble admonishin­g adults, but when adults act like children on the playground, it’s difficult to be silent.

James Chandler


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