Antelope Valley Press

Is our economy really better?


Iread today’s letters and one written by George Jung, referencin­g Skip Thacker’s “last two letters,” got my attention. I did not read Mr. Thacker’s letters but do hope he does not live “under a rock.” I can assure you the report on the condition of weaponry is most likely fabricated, unless you have access to informatio­n I do not.

An Aug. 6, 1993, article in the Los Angeles Times states why, from that day on, I have been a registered independen­t, as there is no way Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein had any California­ns’ best interest in mind while voting on Bill Clinton’s first budget. I have been telling people one of the four things that need to be done to save this once great country is to eliminate the political parties, Today’s politician­s are only focused on their party and their pocket. They do not care about you and me as they should, with three exceptions during my life.

To most, today’s economy, employment and stock market growth are great signs. Let’s look further at the economy. In the past three years, the deficit has grown $5.852 trillion the largest 3-year increase in history. The previous four years, it grew $5.55 trillion, which included the biggest growth year ever in 2020 of $3.132 trillion. These figures are taken from the US Treasury Fiscal Department.

Yes awesome, 36 straight months with plus jobs; with job growth and wage increases come greater tax revenue for the federal and state government. Yet with these increases, the deficit continues to grow at a record pace.

Now California’s economy. Since 1993 has been paying roughly 81% more into federal budget than before. Where did the billions in federal funding for the bullet train go? Recently, where is the missing $3,000,000 for an Orange County food bank? I can go on with similar questions that I know. The few who know the answer will not answer.

Personally my grocery bill is double what it was three years ago. Have you seen a decrease or increase in homelessne­ss lately? How much have you profited from the stock market? Probably not as much as a few politician­s I know of. You may want to look up a few people on today’s ballot to see where they have made their money. If you’ve read the communist manifesto, you will have a better idea of what has been going on since 1993. Ken Zak Lancaster

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